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Are Dog Troubles Rooted in Biology, Behavior or Both?

I walk into many homes trying to get a grasp on behavioral issues, and I want to immediately focus on fixing behavior yet when we look at a dog's behavior in isolation, we may be missing a very important piece of the puzzle.

If a dog is presenting and suffering with symptoms like flatulence, runny stool, ear infections, eye discharge, irritated skin, itching, or struggling with weight or age-related degenerative diseases the dog is not necessarily capable of overriding its current behavior because what is happening on a physiological level beyond the pups control.

Example: If you were to think about the way you act and feel after consuming a few donuts or the tummy issues after eating a chili dog, it would be really insensitive to then be scold for that sugar comma or in a dog's case, having an accident on the carpet.

Good nutrition is not a fad—it is the cornerstone to preventive care to preserve & lengthen everyone's health. Science provides proof that dogs on fresh foods are healthier, exhibit fewer behavioral issues and have a lower risk of diseases such as cancer, obesity, and diabetes.

When we look at a dog's behavior in isolation, we may be missing a very important piece of the puzzle. A holistic biological analysis does not stop with food alone, we don't look at the dog’s behavior in isolation but include the environment, lifestyle, and breed specific characteristics in creating training protocols & finding solutions.

One of the largest mistakes pet owners make when reading advice about a specific issue that they are struggling with is that techniques are not unilateral. What works wonders for some dogs may not work for yours.

Our nutritional philosophy revolves around nourishing pets according to their evolutionary and biological need for a diet that is rich and diverse in its ingredients.

This holistic biological analysis also includes the environment, lifestyle, and breed specific characteristics to address the behavioral issues in finding solutions.

Making healthy behavioral changes happen for your companions can be as simple as learning the right diet, products, and methods for your individual pup.

We believe in Quality, Variety, Safety & Value.

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